ACCOUNT DELIVERY: You will receive an account with your game after purchase.
18.08 $


What we are offering are legal and genuine Digital Downloads. As the game comes directly from Microsoft Store, it will be exactly the same as the retail digital or disk version with all XBOX X features like trophies, multiplayer etc.

  • play on your own profile
  • game directly from Microsoft Store - earn trophies, play online, get updates
  • region free, buy and play the game anywhere in the world

After setup process the game will be available to launch on your own account, just as any other game or app you purchased directly in Microsofr Store.


Try You Powers in ELITE DANGEROUS HORIZONS SEASON PASS (XB1). Meet new highlights and ongoing interaction of ELITE DANGEROUS HORIZONS SEASON PASS (XB1) with better approaches to play.

ELITE DANGEROUS HORIZONS SEASON PASS (XB1) is another season of interactivity extensions for Elite Dangerous. The primary development acquaints players with planet coverings and new means of transportation. Various planets and satellites make unique interactivity as players identify signals, smashed boats, mineral stores, stations, and posts.

Solo or with companions, investigate and try special powers as they help to invade fortresses guarding important prizes. Players will investigate new universes, drifting over mountain ridges. This way, they are arriving on a superficial level.

Available versions

Standard Edition 
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